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Friday, November 20, 2015

Shame on you America

Its too easy when your voice is buried within the mob.
Are you the person, the very person, who is willing to speak to this child's parents and tell them there is no help in America for them.

If you're not willing to look these people in the eye and tell them to stay out than do something to reverse the shameful decision to destroy their hopes.

"Get up - stand up for your (their) rights!"


Please, before you go to sleep tonight, think of ways you can reach out and help all the creatures out there-----humans as well. 
Portuguese Man-of-War. Okay, you better be paying attention if you're in the water with these beauties as your goofing around with one could be the last thing you ever do. We may not "like" every creature in the world but we can respect their role in the big picture leaving them alone to do their thing. "The Man - of - War has an otherworldly appearance—especially when illuminated by the rising sun—is perhaps not the most bizarre thing about the Portuguese man-of-war. The animal is actually made up of a colony of organisms working together, with the gas-filled bladder, or pneumatophore, "sailing" above. Below are three more separate polyps, including tentacles that in some cases can extend 165 feet."
Let Kids Be Kids advocates for the rights of all those in the animal kingdom. Yep, humans too-----And, in particular, all those Men of War out there.
Photograph by Matthew Smith, National Geographic

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Initiative 1401 Passes with 70% Approval

Initiative 1401 wins in Washington state with 70% Approval

Thank you Washington voters for passing Initiative 1401, making Washington the first state in the country to help save 10 endangered animal species groups from extinction by a vote of the people.
Thank you for all your support towards our advocacy on this important issue.
“By creating tough new penalties for trafficking products made from these animals, Washington joins other major port states like California, New York and New Jersey in passing laws that close loopholes allowing the black market to thrive for endangered species products.  
With I-1401, Washington state does its part in the fight to save elephants, rhinos, tigers, lions, leopards, cheetahs, pangolins, sharks, marine turtles and rays. Starting December 3, parts and products from these animals will be illegal to sell, including ivory trinkets, tiger pelt rugs, and traditional folk medicine made from rhino horn or pangolin scales. Truth is an elephant needs its ivory tusks more than we need an ornament. A tiger needs its fur more than we need a floor covering and a pangolin needs its scales more than we need medicine proven to be ineffective.
I-1401 establishes a model for citizens, legislators and leaders across America – and around the world – to end the demand that fuels the extinction of animals in the wild. Other states now have the opportunity to build upon what Washington has started by achieving victories of their own. In 2016, Oregon voters will be faced with a similar initiative, and when it passes, three major west coast states will have laws banning the sales of endangered species products. With each victory, we’re one step closer to ending extinction.”
Fred Koontz, PhD, Vice President of Field Conservation, Woodland Park Zoo