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Friday, August 16, 2024

Trump Denigrates the Military - Constantly


Mr. Trump, please join me at the Wall so I can introduce you, up close and personal, to some losers and suckers.

Trump said the Medal of Honor was a lessor award than the Medal of Freedom.

Trump referred to the more than 1,800 U.S. Marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers.” 

He openly criticized Gold Star families.

Standing at the grave, with his Chief of Staff Kelly, of the younger Kelly, who died in Afghanistan in 2010, Trump reportedly turned to the secretary and said: “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?” 

Trump ridiculed John McCain.

Trump did not want any wounded Vets to be seen around him or to parade anywhere he’d be.

He sees no honor in awarding the Silver Star, Purple Heart or any other awards for bravery and sacrifice.

Why would any Veteran consider this “man” for a second?

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Toto, I’ve got a feeling this isn’t Trump’s show anymore


The Wizard of Oz looked frightening and powerful until Dorothy’s little dog, Toto,  pulled back a curtain to reveal the silly old con man who was engineering the sham. It could be that the same thing is finally happening to the Wizard of Mar-a-Lago.

Former President Donald Trump has always been a charlatan, but he was wily enough to transform himself into the avatar for millions of disgruntled Americans who projected their anger, fears and resentments onto him. He has kept the illusion going for a remarkably long time, given that his clownish nature was always pretty obvious to those who did not fall for his act.

Just last month, he seemed to be at the top of his con game, having survived an assassination attempt and appearing more energetic (if not more coherent) than a diminished President Joe Biden. Democrats were despondent and Republicans were giddy with the sense that their wizard would once again take them to the land of Oz, or, at least, to the White House and to majorities in the House and Senate.

Now, though, facing a new, much younger, much more articulate and much more appealing opponent, Trump does not seem so all-powerful. He looks like what he truly is: a cranky, whining old rich guy who talks nonsense and has a fetish for bogus crowd-size comparisons.

The Harris/Walz campaign seems to have discovered the key to dampening the appeal of Trump’s flimflam. Instead of overworking warnings about the danger another Trump presidency poses to democracy, they are simply treating Trump as a ridiculous, pathetic figure; a buffoon, not a wizard.

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Editor’s note: Seattle Times Opinion no longer appends comment threads on David Horsey’s cartoons. Too many comments violated our community policies and reviewing the dozens that were flagged as inappropriate required too much of our limited staff time. You can comment via a Letter to the Editor. Please email us at and include your full name, address and telephone number for verification only. Letters are limited to 200 words.

What a mystery!! Stonehenge’s Altar Stone, an Improbably Long Ancient Journey!!!!


A six-ton megalith at the heart of the archaeological site traveled more than 450 miles to get there, a new study concludes.

NY Times Aug. 14, 2024

Near the center of the roughly 5,000-year-old circular monument known as Stonehenge is a six-ton, rectangular chunk of red sandstone. In Arthurian legend, the so-called Altar Stone was part of the ring of giant rocks that the wizard Merlin magically transported from Mount Killaurus, in Ireland, to Salisbury Plain, a chalk plateau in southern England — a journey chronicled around 1136 by a Welsh cleric, Geoffrey of Monmouth, in his “Historia Regum Britanniae.”

Since then, the accepted provenance of the Altar Stone has shifted, spanning a range of possible sites from east Wales and the Marches to northern England. On Wednesday, a study in the journal Nature reroutes the megalith’s odyssey more definitively, proposing a path much longer than scientists had thought possible.

The researchers analyzed the chemical composition and the ages of mineral grains in two microscopic fragments of the Altar Stone. This pinpointed the stone’s source to the Orcadian Basin in northeast Scotland, an area that spans Inverness, the Orkney Islands and Shetland. To reach the archaeological site in Wiltshire, the megalith would have traveled at least 465 miles by land or more than 620 miles along the present-day coastline if it came by sea.

“This is a genuinely shocking result,” said Rob Ixer, a retired mineralogist and research fellow at University College London who collaborated on the project. “The work prompts two important questions: How and why did the stone travel the length of Britain?”

Stonehenge features two kinds of rocks: larger sarsens and smaller bluestones. The sarsens are sandstone slabs found naturally in southern England. They weigh 20 tons on average and were erected in two concentric arrangements. The inner ring is a horseshoe of five trilithons (two uprights capped by a horizontal lintel), of which three complete ones still stand.

Richard Bevins wears a jacket and hat and holds a piece of paper while he stands next to a large stone within the inner circle at Stonehenge.
Richard Bevins examining Bluestone Stone 46, a rhyolite most probably from north Pembrokeshire, on Wales’s southwest coast.Credit...Nick Pearce/Aberystwyth University.
The bluestones, mainly two- to four-ton rocks made of sandstone and igneous material, derive their name from the bluish-gray hue they acquire when wet or freshly broken. The smaller bluestones were lugged to Stonehenge from as far as 140 miles away and arranged in a double arc between the sarsens. Some of the remaining bluestones have fallen; others are mere stumps. The largest bluestone, 16 feet long and near the center, is the Altar Stone.

Archaeologists speculate that the Altar Stone was installed at Stonehenge during the second construction phase, around 2620 B.C. to 2480 B.C. Back in the Stone Age, during the winter solstice, the sun would have set in a narrow slot between the tallest trilithon and dropped down over the Altar Stone, which was placed across the solstice axis. The effect is no longer visible: Half of the trilithon has collapsed and today lies in a jumble atop the Altar Stone.

Last year a research team led by Richard Bevins, a geologist at Aberystwyth University in Wales and an author of the new study, published a paper demonstrating that the Altar Stone was not Welsh but most likely from the north. The researchers were intrigued by the presence of a few extremely old zircons, chemically stable minerals that are highly resistant to weathering and heat. They enlisted colleagues in Western Australia, who had access to an array of instruments used in the mining industry for research and exploration.

From shards of the Altar Stone, the Australian researchers analyzed grains of zircon, apatite and rutile. “All three minerals contained uranium, which effectively made them miniature atomic clocks,” said Anthony Clarke, a doctoral candidate in geology at Curtin University in Perth, who conducted the inquiry. “You can determine age by measuring the ratio of uranium to lead and using the known rate of uranium decay.”

This kind of radiometric dating led Mr. Clarke and his team to conclude that the sources of the zircon were largely from the Mesoproterozoic Era (1,600 million to 1,000 million years ago) and the Archaean Eon (4 billion to 2.5 billion years ago), while the apatite and rutile were mid-Ordovician (470 million to 458 million years ago). “We squished the ages together to create a fingerprint of the mineral grains’ source,” he said.

The “fingerprint” was compared to those of sedimentary deposits in thousands of sandstone outcrops in Britain, Ireland and northern Europe. “Putting the data together revealed a striking similarity to the sandstone of the Orcadian Basin,” Mr. Clarke said. “The Altar Stone has a Scottish signature statistically distinct from terrains in the south.”

Nick Pearce, a geochemist at Aberystwyth University who also helped with the new study, said that the new research scuttled the theory that the Altar Stone was a glacial erratic that reached southern England on an ice floe. “During the last two ice ages, the ice directions in northeast Scotland were toward the north,” he said. “The idea that the Altar Stone arrived by glacial transport is almost impossible.”

So how did the Altar Stone get to Salisbury Plain? “There are two options: overland or maritime,” Dr. Pearce said. “Each has merits and huge issues as well.”

Marine transport would have entailed putting a six-ton rock on a Neolithic boat, he said. The land route presented rivers to cross, mountains to go around and dense forests to thwack through. “I’ll leave that question to the archaeologists,” Mr. Clarke said.

Tim Daw, a Wiltshire farmer who once worked at Stonehenge for English Heritage, a charity organization, said the new study brought us closer to understanding our Stone Age past. “How the discovery informs us as to the societal organization of Neolithic people is the start of a great debate,” he said.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Blue Jasper Reviews


“Blue Jasper” has recently joined the thousands of books available to readers all over the world.

I am pleased that many are enjoying these stories. 

If you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited all my books are free to download.

See Amazon to order your copy.

“Thanks for the copy. 
I was hoping you would share more of the tales of the team as they dodged in and out of the shadows. Wonderful stories. 
I’ve been to Kyiv. The story of visiting Babyn Yar was very moving. I visited the memorial some years after the team. I honored those who had died while at the newer monument.
Oh, Bela. What a story-”Jean M.

“Assassination, chicanery, espionage, deception, fantastic characters, beautiful stories, intriguing locations, and Holy Moly – nonstop action.” James Freeman“Thanks for the advanced copy.
I read all four of your “Life in the Shadows” books. I loved them, wishing for more. 
This collection of short stories, vignettes, is a perfect companion and further look into the characters and their exploits. Well done.” Ralph Cooper

“Some may disagree, but I like how you’ve let the covers convey the mood—no clutter – just Picasso’s Shepard and Smith’s painting of the Red House.
Ok. I loved the stories. I felt like I was walking with Mick, Jack, Walking Bear, and Mahaney.
Oh. After reading “Taipan,” I have determined to never be in the bush in the Cape York Peninsula. My oh my!”J.B.R.

“I loved each story. I laughed at some antics and then cried when I read Emma’s letter.
Nitara was unforgettable. Terrific.” Magdela I.

Walk with the team, Jack, Mick, Walking Bear, and Mahaney, along with support from various agencies, as they confront multiple challenges in this collection of adventures.
Visit Babyn Yar in Kyiv.
Meet Maximón, a Mayan God, as the men take out a troublesome Russian agent.
Meet Glances Twice as she fires an arrow into Walking Bear’s heart.
Nitara, Emma, and Bela are special memories that readers will hold in their hearts.

Reviewed by JV
5.0 out of 5 stars on Amazon – 22 January

 Unexpected setting in Guatemala

Reviewed in the United States on January 22, 2024

“Good book for fans of espionage and intricate plot lines. I was pleasantly surprised by the unexpected setting in Guatemala, which added an intriguing layer to the narrative. The author’s attention to operational details and espionage tactics is impressively thorough, making the story both authentic and captivating. It’s a book that keeps you on the edge of your seat, with its well-crafted characters and masterful storytelling.”

Pow Wow


United Indians’ Seafair Indian Village Powwow is a proud tradition that brings Native Americans of all tribes and cultures together to celebrate. Held annually and generally on the third weekend in July in conjunction with Seattle Seafair, the Powwow takes place on our Powwow Grounds adjacent to the Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center. Over 15,000 people attend over the 3-day event, including visitors, dancers, musicians, vendors and tourists.

The Powwow showcases traditional Indian cooking, jewelry-making, music, and especially dancing. Throughout the day, tribes from the United States and Canada dance in full tribal regalia. All are welcome, Native and non-Native alike! If this is your first time attending a Powwow, we invite you to look at our FAQ page for information and best practices.