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Friday, August 23, 2019

Ameliorating Cancer

We are taking steps to end cancer.

Your donation is helping us find a cure. Thank you for bringing light to the darkness of cancer, in all the ways you support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Your donation helps advance breakthroughs in immunotherapy, genomics and personalized medicine. This research saves lives.
Your donation is contributing to finding a cure for blood cancer, but also enable pioneering new treatments for other cancers.
Your donation helps patients navigate their cancer treatments and ensure they have access to quality, affordable and coordinated care.
This is the first year I've personalized my request for donations to help combat various Blood Cancers. This campaign will run until mid October so expect to hear from me fairly often. If you click the link just about everything you'll want to know is on the donation page. You'll notice I'm part of the Wedgwood Walkers which is the name of my greater hood. This year the "Light the Night" gathering and walk will take place at the Seattle Center on Saturday 26 October 2019 at 6 P.M -Wanta join me?
Thanks...and many thanks to all of you that have already donated.

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